Women in Sports Coaching

Research output: Book/ReportBook


Women in many Westernized countries encounter a wider variety of career
opportunities than afforded in previous decades, and the percentage of
women leaders in nearly every sector is on the rise. Sport coaching, however,
remains a domain where gender equity has declined or stalled, despite
increasing female sport participation. The percentage of women who coach
women are in the minority in most sports, and there is a near absence of
women coaching men. This important new book examines why. Drawing
on original multi-disciplinary research from across the globe, including firsthand accounts from practising coaches, the book illuminates and examines
the status of women in coaching, explores the complex issues they face in
pursuing their careers, and suggests solutions for eliminating the barriers that
impede women in coaching.
Developing an innovative model of intersectionality and power constructs
through which to guide research, the book covers issues including sexual
identity, race, motherhood, cross-gender coaching and media coverage to
give voice to women coaches from around the world. As such, Women in
Sports Coaching is essential reading for serious students and scholars of sports
coaching, sport sociology or anyone with an interest in gender and sport.
Original languageEnglish (US)
ISBN (Electronic)ISBN: 978-1-315-73465-1
ISBN (Print)ISBN: 978-1-138-83796-6
StatePublished - Mar 2016


  • gender
  • sport
  • coaching


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