Weak antilocalization and low-temperature characterization of sputtered polycrystalline bismuth selenide

Protyush Sahu, Jun Yang Chen, Jason C. Myers, Jian Ping Wang

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20 Scopus citations


We report a thorough crystal and transport characterization of sputtered polycrystalline BixSe1-x (20 nm), grown on a thermally oxidized silicon substrate. The crystal and grain structures of the sample are characterized by transmission electron microscopy. Selected-area electron diffraction shows a highly polycrystalline structure. Transport measurements suggest semiconducting behavior of the BixSe1-x film with a very high carrier concentration (∼1020 cm3) and low mobility [∼8 cm2/(V s)]. High-field magnetoresistance measurements reveal weak antilocalization, to which both the low mobility and the angular dependence suggest an impurity-dominated contribution. Fitting parameters are obtained from 2D magnetoconductivity using the Hikami-Larkin-Nagaoka equation. The variation of the phase coherence length with temperature suggests electron-electron scattering for phase decoherence. Electron-electron interaction theory is used to analyze the low-temperature conductivity.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article number122402
JournalApplied Physics Letters
Issue number12
StatePublished - Mar 19 2018

Bibliographical note

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© 2018 Author(s).


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