Vector dominance model at finite temperature

Charles Gale, Joseph I. Kapusta

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300 Scopus citations


The neutral ρ{variant}-meson propagator is computed at finite temperature using standard π-ρ dynamics. The vector dominance model states that the hadronic electromagnetic current operator is proportional to a linear combination of the neutral vector meson field operators. Neglecting the φ-ω complex, this should give a good account of the rate of lepton pair emission from a hot pion gas. The mass and width of both transverse and longitudinal ρ{variant}-mesons increase with temperature, but temperature effects are still relatively small up to T = 150 MeV. If substantial shifts in these quantities were to be seen experimentally, it would seem to require other new physics like chiral symmetry restoration or deconfinement. The results obtained here may be viewed as generalizing the Gounaris-Sakurai formula to finite temperature.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)65-89
Number of pages25
JournalNuclear Physics, Section B
Issue number1
StatePublished - Jun 24 1991

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
J.K. would like to thank J.D. Walecka for the discussion which led to the material in appendices A and B. He also wishes to thank the Physics Department at McGill University for kind hospitality during visits there in June 1989 and June 1990. C.G. is grateful to the Theoretical Physics Institute at the University of Minnesota for its hospitality during a visit in July-August 1990. J.K. was supported by the DOE under grant DE-FG02-87ER40382 and C.G. was supported in part by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada and in part by the FCAR Fund (Aide aux Nouveaux Chercheurs) of the Qu6bec Government. We would also like to thank the Minnesota Supercomputer Institute for a computer grant.


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