Variational transition state theory and tunneling for a heavy-light-heavy reaction using an ab initio potential energy surface. 37Cl+H(D) 35Cl→H(D) 37Cl+35Cl

Bruce C. Garrett, Donald G. Truhlar, Albert F. Wagner, Thorn H. Dunning

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249 Scopus citations


Ab initio POL-CI calculations, augmented by a dispersion term, are used to predict the potential energy surface for the reaction Cl+HCl. The saddle point is found to be nonlinear. The surface is represented by a rotated-Morse- oscillator spline fit for collinear geometries plus an analytic bend potential. Variational transition state theory calculations, based on a linear reference path, are carried out, and they yield much smaller rate constants than conventional transition state theory, confirming that earlier similar results for this heavy-light-heavy mass combination were consequences of the small skew angle and were not artifacts of the more approximate potential energy surfaces used in those studies. Transmission coefficients are calculated using approximations valid for large-reaction-path curvature and the potential along the reference path is scaled so that the calculated rate constant agrees with experiment. The resulting surface is used to compute the H/D kinetic isotope effect which is in qualitative agreement with experiment.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)4400-4413
Number of pages14
JournalThe Journal of chemical physics
Issue number7
StatePublished - 1983


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