Use of combinatorial peptide libraries for T-cell epitope mapping

Mireia Sospedra, Clemencia Pinilla, Roland Martin

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

35 Scopus citations


T lymphocytes play important roles not only in infectious diseases and autoimmunity, but also in immune responses against tumors. For many of these disorders, the relevant target antigens are not known. Designing effective methods that allow the search for T-cell epitopes is therefore an important goal in the areas of infectious diseases, oncology, vaccine development, and numerous other biomedical specialties. So far, the strategies used to examine T-cell recognition have been based largely on mapping T-cell epitopes with overlapping peptides from known proteins or with entire proteins, e.g., from a specific virus, bacterium, or human tissue. These approaches are tedious and have a number of limitations. It is, for example, almost impossible to isolate T cells that infiltrate an organ or infectious site and identify their specificity unless one already has a concept as to which antigens may be relevant. During recent years, a number of laboratories have developed less biased approaches that employ either the selection of putative T-cell epitopes based on the prediction of binding to certain major histocompatibilty complex (MHC) molecules and peptide or protein libraries that have been generated in expression systems, e.g. phage, or rely on combinatorial peptide chemistry. The latter technique has been refined by a number of laboratories including ours. Bead-bound or, preferably, positional scanning synthetic and soluble combinatorial peptide libraries allow the identification of T-cell epitopes within complex mixtures of proteins even for T cells that have been expanded from an organ infiltrate with a polyclonal stimulus. The practical steps that are involved in the latter method are described in this article.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)236-247
Number of pages12
Issue number3
StatePublished - Mar 1 2003
Externally publishedYes


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