Tuzik, ego lozhnaia angloiazychanaia rodnia, a takzhe nechto o potasovkakh i chertiakh (k istorii glagola tuzitʼ) [Tuzik, Its False English Kin, along with Some Thoughts on Fracas and Devils (On the History of the Verb tuzitʼ)]

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication“Slovo—chistoe veselʼe…” Sbornik v chestʼ A.B. Penʼkovskogo [Festschrift Penʼkovskii]
EditorsA M Moldovan
Place of PublicationMoscow
PublisherIazyki slavainskoi kulʼtury
StatePublished - 2009

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