Three flavor neutrino oscillation analysis of atmospheric neutrinos in Super-Kamiokande

J. Hosaka, K. Ishihara, J. Kameda, Y. Koshio, A. Minamino, C. Mitsuda, M. Miura, S. Moriyama, M. Nakahata, T. Namba, Y. Obayashi, M. Shiozawa, Y. Suzuki, A. Takeda, Y. Takeuchi, S. Yamada, I. Higuchi, M. Ishitsuka, T. Kajita, K. KaneyukiG. Mitsuka, S. Nakayama, H. Nishino, A. Okada, K. Okumura, C. Saji, Y. Takenaga, S. Clark, S. Desai, E. Kearns, S. Likhoded, J. L. Stone, L. R. Sulak, W. Wang, M. Goldhaber, D. Casper, J. P. Cravens, W. R. Kropp, D. W. Liu, S. Mine, C. Regis, M. B. Smy, H. W. Sobel, C. W. Sterner, M. R. Vagins, K. S. Ganezer, J. E. Hill, W. E. Keig, J. S. Jang, J. Y. Kim, I. T. Lim, K. Scholberg, C. W. Walter, R. Wendell, R. W. Ellsworth, S. Tasaka, E. Guillian, A. Kibayashi, J. G. Learned, S. Matsuno, M. D. Messier, Y. Hayato, A. K. Ichikawa, T. Ishida, T. Ishii, T. Iwashita, T. Kobayashi, T. Nakadaira, K. Nakamura, K. Nitta, Y. Oyama, Y. Totsuka, A. T. Suzuki, M. Hasegawa, I. Kato, H. Maesaka, T. Nakaya, K. Nishikawa, T. Sasaki, H. Sato, S. Yamamoto, M. Yokoyama, T. J. Haines, S. Dazeley, S. Hatakeyama, R. Svoboda, E. Blaufuss, J. A. Goodman, G. W. Sullivan, D. Turcan, J. Cooley, A. Habig, Y. Fukuda, T. Sato, Y. Itow, C. K. Jung, T. Kato, K. Kobayashi, M. Malek, C. Mauger, C. McGrew, A. Sarrat, C. Yanagisawa, N. Tamura, M. Sakuda, Y. Kuno, M. Yoshida, S. B. Kim, J. Yoo, T. Ishizuka, H. Okazawa, Y. Choi, H. K. Seo, Y. Gando, T. Hasegawa, K. Inoue, J. Shirai, A. Suzuki, K. Nishijima, H. Ishino, Y. Watanabe, M. Koshiba, D. Kielczewska, J. Zalipska, H. G. Berns, R. Gran, K. K. Shiraishi, A. Stachyra, K. Washburn, R. J. Wilkes

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187 Scopus citations


We report on the results of a three-flavor oscillation analysis using Super-Kamiokande I atmospheric neutrino data, with the assumption of one mass scale dominance (Δm122=0). No significant flux change due to matter effect, which occurs when neutrinos propagate inside the Earth for θ13≠0, has been seen either in a multi-GeV νe-rich sample or in a νμ-rich sample. Both normal and inverted mass hierarchy hypotheses are tested and both are consistent with observation. Using Super-Kamiokande data only, 2-dimensional 90% confidence allowed regions are obtained: mixing angles are constrained to sin 2θ13<0.14 and 0.37<sin 2θ23<0.65 for the normal mass hierarchy. Weaker constraints, sin 2θ13<0.27 and 0.37<sin 2θ23<0.69, are obtained for the inverted mass hierarchy case.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article number032002
JournalPhysical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology
Issue number3
StatePublished - 2006


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