Thermal-Undoping-Induced 2D Sheet Exfoliations in 1D Nanomaterial

Suman Bera, Amit K. Guria, Saied Md Pratik, Narayan Pradhan

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3 Scopus citations


Exfoliations leading to monolayer sheets are mostly reported in 2D materials such as graphene, WS2, MoS2, etc. However, theoretically it is established that exfoliations can also be possible for 1D materials like Sb2S3, though this has not been experimentally reported yet. Furthermore, most of the reported exfoliations are carried out with physical processes, and only in few cases complicated chemical pathways are also established. Keeping a view on the importance of both materials and methods, herein the exfoliation of 1D Sb2S3 nanostructures was reported via a unique thermal undoping approach where annealing expelled Sn atoms from the crystal lattice of 1D Sn-doped Sb2S3 nanostructures, leading to 2D sheets via very intriguing 1D-2D coupled structures. Sb2S3 is a 1D material but associated with 2D van der Waals forces, and in our dopant removal approach, exfoliation was exclusively carried out in directions perpendicular to the major axis of doped nanostructures. Apart from experimental supports, DFT calculation was also carried out keeping Sn in substitutional and interstitial positions to support our claim. These results suggest that designing a proper chemical process could successfully exfoliate the 1D materials, and the same might be extended to other materials of the same family.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)13731-13737
Number of pages7
JournalJournal of Physical Chemistry C
Issue number25
StatePublished - Jun 28 2018

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
DST of India (SR/NM/NS-1383/2014(G)) is acknowledged for funding.


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