The self-assembly process of DMPC/protein at the air/water interface

Hen Jian Zhang, Zhi Jian Chen, Zhi Chu Bi, Ming Qiang Wang, Xiu Hong Zhai, Guang Chen Cui, Jun Bai Li

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


The phase changes of the complex monolayer composed of DMPC and β- lactoglobulin or β- casein during the compression process were investigated. The self - assembly process of the phospholipid and the protein at the air/water interface was observed via Brewster angle microscopy. It was found that at the low surface pressure during the compress process the linear or piece shape domain appeared with the DMPC/β casein or the DMPC/β - lactoglobulin complex monolayer, respectively. At the higher surface pressure, the hook shape domains were formed for the DMPC/β - casein system.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)1125-1130
Number of pages6
JournalActa Chimica Sinica
Issue number9
StatePublished - 2000


  • Brewster angle microscopy (BAM)
  • Complex monolayer self - assembly
  • Phospholipid
  • Protein


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