The science behind One Health: at the interface of humans, animals, and the environment

Michael P. Murtaugh, Clifford J. Steer, Srinand Sreevatsan, Ned Patterson, Shaun Kennedy, P. Sriramarao

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

24 Scopus citations


Humans face a grand quality-of-life challenge as growing demands for resources for an ever-expanding population threaten the existence of wildlife populations, degrade land, and pollute air and water. Public investment and policy decisions that will shape future interactions of humans, animals, and the environment need scientific input to help find common ground for durable and sustainable success. The Second International Conference on One Medicine One Science brought together a broad range of scientists, trainees, regulatory authorities, and health experts from 34 countries to inform and discuss the human impacts of air quality; the complexities of water quality, access, and conflicts; the opportunities and uncertainties in precision medicine; and the role of science communication in health policy formulation. Workshops focused on the roles and development of physician–scientists and multidisciplinary teams in complex problem solving, Big Data tools for analysis and visualization, international policy development processes, and health models that benefit animals and humans. Key realizations were that local and regional health challenges at the interface of humans, animals, and the environment are variations of the same overarching conflicts and that international gatherings provide new opportunities for investigation and policy development that are broadly applicable.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)12-32
Number of pages21
JournalAnnals of the New York Academy of Sciences
Issue number1
StatePublished - May 2017

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
The organizing committee gratefully acknowledges the funders, invited speakers, panelists, institutional partners, and student assistants. Financial support was provided by Minnesota's Discovery, Research and InnoVation Economy (MnDRIVE), University of Minnesota?College of Veterinary Medicine, Office of the Vice President for Research, Academic Health Center, College of Food Agriculture and Natural Resource Sciences, Humphrey School of Public Affairs, and Institute on the Environment. We thank the staffs of the College of Veterinary Medicine Office of Research and the College of Continuing Education whose behind-the-scenes work was essential to the meeting. All authors conceived and designed the iCOMOS meeting. Manuscript roles were writing and editing (M.P.M. and P.S.) and editing (C.J.S., S.S., N.P., and S.K.). Substantial contributions were provided by Fran Howard in collating meeting notes, and Kaylee Errecaborde for organizing student assistants and the following note takers: Aimee Hunt, Conner McLaughlin, Marie Gilbertson, Oyudari Baatartsogt, Andrew Fang, Kaleb Fischer, Nhungoc Luong, Michael Rahe, Wenchen Wang, Fernando Lopes Leivas Leite, Katherine Worsley-Tonks, Michaela Trudeau, Amy Kinsley, Elizabeth Thompson, Marie Gilbertson, Kaushi Kanankege, Catherine McKay, Dana Boyer, Grant Stoddard, Sian Durward-Akhurst, Brittany Fox, Sylvia Wanzala, Kate Gurke, Fernanda Shoyama, Zachary Metz, Jordan Young, Derek Korpela, and Xiong Wang.

Publisher Copyright:
© 2017 The Authors. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of New York Academy of Sciences.


  • food security
  • health policy
  • iCOMOS
  • medical ethics
  • precision medicine


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