The Minnesota maple series: Community-Generated knowledge delivered through an extension website

David S. Wilsey, Julie A. Miedtke, Eli S Sagor

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


    Extension continuously seeks novel and effective approaches to outreach and education. The recent retirement of a longtime content specialist catalyzed members of University of Minnesota Extension's Forestry team to reflect on our instructional capacity (internal and external) and educational design in the realm of maple syrup production. We responded by developing an educational maple blog series that incorporated faculty and community expertise through a participatory, peer-to-peer approach. The blog series expanded and strengthened the state's maple knowledge network, met contributors' and users' content needs and expectations, influenced maple practices, and retained program flexibility for adaptation.

    Original languageEnglish (US)
    Article number4IAW6
    JournalJournal of Extension
    Issue number4
    StatePublished - Aug 1 2012


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