The international partnership for health informatics education: Lessons learned from six years of experience

Monique W.M. Jaspers, R. M. Gardner, L. C. Gatewood, R. Haux, D. Schmidt, T. Wetter

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

24 Scopus citations


Objectives: To inform the medical end health informatics community on the rationol, gods, and the achievements of the International Partnership for Heolth Informatics Education - IPHIE, (IΦE), that was established at six universities in 1999. Methods: We elaborote on the overall goals of IΦE and describe the current state of affairs: the activities undertaken and faculty and student experience related to these activities. In addition we outline the lessons we have learned aver these past six years and our plans for the future. Results: IΦE members first started to collaborate by supporting and encouraging the exchange of talented students and faculty and by establishing joint master classes for honors students. Following the success of these activities, new initiatives were undertaken such as the organization of student workshops at medical informatics conferences and a joint course an strategic information management in hospitals in Europe. Conclusions: International partnerships such as IΦE take time to establish, and, if they are to be successful, maintaining leadership continuity is critically important. We are convinced that IΦE promotes professionalism of future medical informatics specialists. There will be a continuing growth of globalization in higher education. It will therefore become increasingly important to offer educational programs with international components.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)25-31
Number of pages7
JournalMethods of information in medicine
Issue number1
StatePublished - 2005


  • Health informatics
  • International educational exchange
  • Medical informatics


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