The influence of conditions in Lake Superior and the Bois Brule River, Wisconsin on returns of migratory rainbow trout

T. R. Hrabik, K. W. Olson, T. J. Kaspar, M. E. Sierszen, B. G. Matthias

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Rainbow trout were introduced to Lake Superior in the late 1800’s and exhibit a potamodromous life history and exhibit high variability in reproductive success. We examined reproductive variability in the Bois Brule River, WI (Lake Superior), through analyses of returns of wild first spawning (hereafter “maiden” returning) adults. We used classification and regression tree analyses to identify in-stream and in-lake (western Lake Superior) sources of variability and to identify the environment (stream or lake) that was most influential to the returns to each location. Among in-stream influences, high discharge rates in the spring period (March – May) during a pre-smolt's first stream year were the strongest source of variability and were negatively correlated with returns. High discharge during the fall period from September to November in the pre-smolt first stream year was also negatively correlated with numbers of maiden returning steelhead from that year class. When variables associated with Lake Superior were considered, maiden returns were positively correlated with higher lake surface temperatures in Lake Superior. Returns were negatively correlated with the abundance of adult rainbow smelt and bloater suggesting a possible competitive interaction among those species. Finally, we also observed a conditional (minor) positive effect of age-0 smelt abundance indicating the importance of this prey for juveniles in colder years in western Lake Superior. Taken together, our findings indicate that both stream and lake conditions in their first lake year are important sources of variability and point to spates in the spring and fall as initial controlling variables.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)506-514
Number of pages9
JournalJournal of Great Lakes Research
Issue number2
StatePublished - Apr 2023

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
We thank Dennis Pratt and Bill Blust, WDNR (Retired), for initiating and supporting this project. We also appreciated Brad Ray and Paul Piszczek (WDNR) for their continued support in data corrections along with manuscript development. Many thanks to all technicians that spent innumerable hours analyzing video that resulted in data used in this project. We thank the Bois Brule River Sportsmen’s Club, the Wisconsin DNR, the Department of Biology and the Swenson College of Science and Engineering at the University of Minnesota-Duluth for financial support associated with Mr. Kaspar’s thesis work.

Funding Information:
We thank Dennis Pratt and Bill Blust, WDNR (Retired), for initiating and supporting this project. We also appreciated Brad Ray and Paul Piszczek (WDNR) for their continued support in data corrections along with manuscript development. Many thanks to all technicians that spent innumerable hours analyzing video that resulted in data used in this project. We thank the Bois Brule River Sportsmen's Club, the Wisconsin DNR, the Department of Biology and the Swenson College of Science and Engineering at the University of Minnesota-Duluth for financial support associated with Mr. Kaspar's thesis work.

Publisher Copyright:
© 2023 International Association for Great Lakes Research


  • Bois Brule River
  • Climate change
  • Lake Superior Steelhead
  • Potamadromous


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