The effects of different processing methods on the estimated nutritional value of rice bran according to the NRC-2001 model5or DVE/OEB system6

Y. Wang, H. S. Xin, Y. Z. Li, W. W. Zhang, K. Xia, Z. B. Wang, M. Li, Y. G. Zhang

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5 Scopus citations


Four dairy cows fitted with ruminai and T-shaped duodenal cannulas were used to investigate the effects of processing methods on the nutritional value of rice bran and to compare the potential nutrient supply according to the NRC-2001 model or the DVE/OEB system. Three different types of processed rice bran (puffed rice bran, PRB; expeller rice bran, ERB; solvent-extracted rice bran, SRB) and unprocessed rice bran were chosen as materials. The results showed that the ERB and SRB protein concentrations were higher (P<0.05) than in unprocessed rice bran. According to the DVE/OEB system and the NRC-2001 model, the small intestine-absorbable protein contents (DVE or MP) in SRB and ERB were higher than in unprocessed rice bran (RB) (P<0.05). The nutritional values of rice bran were highly associated with the processing methods. The degraded protein balance (OEB) and the predicted absorbable small intestine protein (ASIP) using the NRC-2001 model were consistent with those using the DVE/OEB system.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)503-520
Number of pages18
JournalJournal of Animal and Feed Sciences
Issue number3
StatePublished - 2012


  • DVE/OEB system
  • NRC-2001 model
  • Nutritional value
  • Processing methods
  • Rice bran


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