The crystal structure of the octamer [r(guauaca)dC]2 with six Watson-Crick base-pairs and two 3' overhang residues

Ke Shi, Roopa Biswas, Shome Nath Mitra, Muttaiya Sundaralingam

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10 Scopus citations


The crystal structure of an alternating RNA octamer, r(guauaca)dC (RNA bases are in lower case while the only DNA base is in upper case), with two 3' overhang residues one of them a terminal deoxycytosine and the other a ribose adenine, has been determined at 2.2 Å resolution. The refined structure has an R(work) 18.6% and R(free) 26.8%. There are two independent duplexes (molecules I and II) in the asymmetric unit cell, a = 24.95, b = 45.25 and c = 73.67 Å, with space group P212121. Instead of forming a blunt end duplex with two a+·c mispairs and six Watson-Crick base-pairs, the strands in the duplex slide towards the 3' direction forming a two-base overhang (radC) and a six Watson-Crick base-paired duplex. The duplexes are bent (molecule I, 20°; molecule II, 25°) and stack head-to-head to form a right-handed superhelix. The overhang residues are looped out and the penultimate adenines of the two residues at the top end (A15) are anti and at the bottom (A7) end are syn. The syn adenine bases form minor groove A*(G·C) base triples with C8-H···N2 hydrogen bonds. The anti adenine in molecule II also forms a triple and a different C2-H···N3 hydrogen bond, while the other anti adenine in molecule I does not, it stacks on the looped out overhang base dC. The 3' terminal deoxycytosines form two stacked hemiprotonated trans d(C·C)+ base-pairs and the pseudo dyad related molecules form four consecutive deoxyribose and ribose zipper hydrogen bonds in the minor groove. (C) 2000 Academic Press.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)113-122
Number of pages10
JournalJournal of Molecular Biology
Issue number1
StatePublished - May 26 2000

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
We gratefully thank the NIH for a grant GM-17378 and the Board of Regents of Ohio for an Ohio Eminent Scholar Chair and Endowment to M.S. We also acknowledge the Hays Consortium Investment Fund by the Regions of Ohio for partial support for purchasing the Raxis IIc imaging plate.


  • Bent RNAs
  • D(C·C) pairs
  • Deoxyribose zipper
  • Superhelix
  • Triples with C-H···N H-bonding


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