Test of visuospatial construction: Validity evidence in extremely low birth weight and late preterm children at early school age

Nic Rider, Brandi A. Weiss, Adam T. McDermott, Crista A. Hopp, Ida Sue Baron

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

4 Scopus citations


The Test of Visuospatial Construction (TVSC), a measure of visuoconstruction that does not rely on upper extremity motor response or written production, was administered to extremely low birth weight (ELBW), late preterm (LPT), and term participants at preschool (n = 355) and kindergarten (n = 265) ages. TVSC showed statistically significant weak-to-moderate positive correlations (age 3: r =.118-.303; age 6: r =.138-.348) with Developmental VMI, Differential Ability Scales-II Copying, Matrices, and Pattern Construction subtests, Baron-Hopkins Board Test, and the Purdue Pegboard. One-way ANOVA indicated ELBW performed worse than Term (p =.044) on visuospatial construction at age 3 with a small-to-medium effect size (d = -0.43). No other statistically significant differences were found at age 3 on the TVSC (ELBW/LPT: p =.608, d = -0.17; LPT/Term: p =.116, d = -0.31). At age 6, ELBW participants performed worse than LPT participants (p =.027) and Term participants (p =.012); LPT participants did not differ from Term participants. Small effect sizes at age 3 (ELBW < LPT, d = -0.17; ELBW < Term, d = -0.43) were notably larger at age 6 (ELBW < LPT, d = -0.42; ELBW < Term, d = -0.53). Important practical differences showing LPT participants performed below Term participants (d = -0.31) at age 3 were no longer evident at age 6 (d = -0.097). These findings provide preliminary evidence of TVSC validity supporting its use to detect neuropsychological impairment and to recommend appropriate interventions in young preterm children.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)587-599
Number of pages13
JournalChild Neuropsychology
Issue number5
StatePublished - Jul 3 2016
Externally publishedYes

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2015 Taylor & Francis.


  • Child assessment
  • Convergent validity
  • Psychometric
  • Visual-construction
  • Visual-perception


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