Tephrostratigraphy of the late Quaternary record from Lake Chalco, central México

Beatriz Ortega-Guerrero, Lizeth Caballero García, Carlos Linares-López

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

13 Scopus citations


Lacustrine sequences in active volcanic settings preserve the record of fall-out products (tephras) from explosive volcanic activity from both proximal and distal sources. Sediments of Lake Chalco, located in the western part of the Trans Mexican Volcanic Belt, offer the opportunity to develop a detailed tephrostratigraphy of proximal and distal sources, and to provide stratigraphic marker horizons for the correlation of paleoclimate records. Here, we present major oxide glass and pumice data from 18 tephra layers interbedded in the lacustrine sediments of Chalco, from 11.5 to 31.3 cal ka BP. Tephra glass compositions range from basaltic trachyandesitic to rhyolitic. Two tephras were successfully correlated with the Tutti Frutti Plinian Eruption of Popocatépetl volcano; and two tephra layers from the Nevado de Toluca Plinian activity: the Upper Toluca Pumice and the Lower Toluca Pumice. Although the source of most of the tephras analyzed is unknown, their geochemical characterization, coupled with a robust chronology, contributes to establish a detailed tephrostratigraphy for the region. This tephra record also contributes to improving the estimated frequency of explosive volcanic activity for future hazards in the Basin of México and surrounding areas, where more than 29 million people live. Our findings estimate a recurrence interval of volcanic activity of ca. 1100 years in the interval between ca. 32 and 11.5 cal ka BP, shorter than previously estimated.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)122-140
Number of pages19
JournalJournal of South American Earth Sciences
StatePublished - Jan 2018

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
This work was funded by projects Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México PAPIIT IN107013 and IV100215 , and CONACYT 130963 . We appreciate the support of Antonio González, Alejandro Rodríguez, Susana Sosa, Daniel Villanueva and Teodoro Hernández during coring, and the Laboratorio Universitario de Petrologia (LUP) of the UNAM for microprobe analyses. Dra. Silvia Espinosa of Laboratorio de Microscopía Electrónica de Barrido, F. Ciencias-UNAM, helped with SEM imaging. Special thanks to Dr. M.N. Guilbaud, Dr. J.L. Arce and an anonymous reviewer for their insightful comments which improved the manuscript.

Publisher Copyright:
© 2017 Elsevier Ltd

Copyright 2017 Elsevier B.V., All rights reserved.


  • Basin of México
  • Explosive volcanism
  • Lake Chalco
  • Pyroclastics
  • Tephrochronology
  • Volcanic glass

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