Technology + demographics = growth

Heather Mattson

Research output: Contribution to specialist publicationArticle


The world market for medical textiles is forecast to grow by 4-5% annually for the next five years. Such growth will be driven mainly by increased demand for disposable nonwovens. In some developed countries including United States, Norway and Japan, geographical issues, institutional changes and new technology will dictate the increase in demand for disposable nonwovens. In developing countries in Asia, South America and Eastern Europe, expanding middle classes are contributing to the growth of medical textiles. Increased hospital room turnover rates and technological improvements are forecast to translate into annual growth rates of 3.7% and 4.2% respectively. Overall although demand for disposable nonwovens is not homogeneous worldwide, the net result is positive annual growth for all regions over the next four years.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Specialist publicationIndustrial Fabric Products Review
StatePublished - Sep 1 2006


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