Technique and Outcomes of Hand-Assist Laparoscopic Continent Cutaneous Ileocecocystoplasty

Thomas E. Stout, Joshua D. Roth, Ronak A. Gor, Joseph J. Pariser, Sean P. Elliott

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

2 Scopus citations


BACKGROUND: Continent cutaneous ileocecocystoplasty (CCIC) involves reconfiguring the ileocecal segment for use as a bladder augment and continent catheterizable channel. CCIC requires release of the hepatic flexure of the colon, which necessitates a longer midline laparotomy than would be required for a standard bladder augmentation. This is associated with high rates of ventral and parastomal hernias.

OBJECTIVES: To describe the technique of hand-assist laparoscopic CCIC and to compare outcomes to open CCIC.

MATERIALS AND METHODS: We found pure laparoscopic colon mobilization difficult due to significant colonic distension in patients with neurogenic bladder and bowel. We modified our approach to hand-assisted laparoscopic mobilization for better retraction of the bowel. A 12-mm camera port is placed through the umbilicus, which later serves as the stoma site, and a 5-mm assist port is placed a handbreadth cephalad to the 12-mm port. A Pfannenstiel incision is made for use as the hand port. After colonic mobilization is completed the remainder of the procedure is performed in an open fashion through the Pfannenstiel incision. The primary outcome was 90-day Clavien grade 2 or greater complications. Secondary outcomes included revision rates, wound infection, urinary continence, operative time, and length of stay. Data was analyzed using Mann-Whitney U test and Fisher's exact test.

RESULTS: Thirty-two laparoscopic and 21 open procedures were reviewed. Those who underwent open procedures were more likely to have undergone prior catheterizable channel or bladder augmentation (7 vs 1, P < .01). There were fewer 90-day complications in the laparoscopic group (18.8% vs 47.6%, P = .03). There was no difference in operative time, hospital length of stay, wound infections, need for subsequent channel revision, or long-term continence between groups.

CONCLUSION: Hand-assist laparoscopic CCIC offers a minimally invasive alternative to open CCIC with fewer short-term complications and comparable long-term outcomes.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)200
Number of pages1
Early online dateJan 20 2021
StatePublished - Jun 2021

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2021 Elsevier Inc.


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