Suppression of the S-wave production of (32)++(12)- heavy meson pairs in e+e- annihilation

Xin Li, M. B. Voloshin

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34 Scopus citations


The heavy meson-antimeson pairs, where one is an excited (32)+ meson and the other is a ground state (12)- meson, namely, the pairs (D1(2420)D̄+c.c.), (D1(2420)D̄ *+c.c.), (D2(2460)D̄ *+c.c.) in the charm sector and (B1(5721)B̄+c. c.), (B1(5721)B̄*+c.c.), (B 2(5747)B̄*+c.c.) in the bottom sector, are allowed, by the quantum numbers, to be produced in the S wave in e+e- annihilation. We show, however, that such S-wave production is forbidden by the heavy quark spin symmetry. Thus, the yield of the considered meson pairs in e+e- annihilation should be significantly suppressed near the respective thresholds. In our view, this substantially weakens the arguments for considering the Y(4260) charmoniumlike resonance as a D1D̄ molecular state.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article number034012
JournalPhysical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology
Issue number3
StatePublished - Aug 7 2013


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