Supporting novice teachers to lead discussions that reach a mathematical point: Defining and clarifying mathematical ideas

Erin E Baldinger, Sarah Kate Selling, Rajeev Virmani

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Leading a whole-class mathematics discussion is complex work. The teacher must attend to and respond to student thinking while continually keeping the mathematical goals of the discussion in mind. This work is especially challenging for novice teachers who are just learning to facilitate classroom talk. We present a new sorting- task instructional activity designed to support novice secondary teachers in steering a discussion toward a mathematical point while eliciting and making use of student thinking. We describe our efforts to support novice teachers through learning about, rehearsing, enacting, and re ecting on this sorting task. We document the impact of these supports for the novice teachers, and share ways
that other teacher educators can take up this structure.
Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)8-28
JournalMathematics Teacher Educator
Issue number1
StatePublished - 2016


  • definitions
  • pedagogies of practice
  • teacher education
  • whole-class discussions


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