Study of Δ++ production in π-p interactions at 100, 200, and 360 GeV/c

Patrick D Higgins, N. N. Biswas, J. M. Bishop, R. L. Bolduc, N. M. Cason, V. P. Kenney, R. C. Ruchti, W. D. Shephard, W. D. Walker, J. S. Loos, L. R. Fortney, A. T. Goshaw, W. J. Robertson, E. W. Anderson, H. B. Crawley, A. Firestone, R. Floyd, W. J. Kernan, J. W. Lamsa, D. L. ParkerG. A. Snow, B. Y. Oh, M. Pratap, G. Sionakides, G. A. Smith, J. Whitmore, V. Sreedhar, G. Levman, B. M. Schwarzschild, T. S. Yoon, G. Hartner, P. M. Patel, L. Voyvodic, R. J. Walker

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

35 Scopus citations


We present a systematic study of Δ++ production in π-p reactions at Fermilab energies. Inclusive and semi-inclusive Δ++(1232) production cross sections are determined. We observe these cross sections to be energy independent. The invariant cross sections as a function of Feynman x and pT2 are also energy independent consistent with scaling behavior. We show that Δ++ production is consistent with a one-pion-exchange mechanism. Comparison of the density matrix elements with model predictions and results of a triple-Regge analysis both support the validity of a one-pion-exchange model.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)731-742
Number of pages12
JournalPhysical Review D
Issue number3
StatePublished - 1979


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