Structural and magnetic properties of the single-layer manganese oxide La 1-xSr 1+xMnO 4

S. Larochelle, A. Mehta, L. Lu, P. K. Mang, O. P. Vajk, N. Kaneko, J. W. Lynn, L. Zhou, M. Greven

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93 Scopus citations


Using x-ray and neutron scattering, we have studied the structural and magnetic properties of the single-layer manganite La 1-xSr 1+xMnO 4(0≤x<0.7). Single crystals were grown by the floating-zone method at 18 La/Sr concentrations. The low-temperature phase diagram can be understood by considering the strong coupling of the magnetic and orbital degrees of freedom, and it can be divided into three distinct regions: low (x<0.12), intermediate (0.12≤x<0.45), and high (x≥0.45) doping. LaSrMnO4U=O) is an antiferromagnetic Mott insulator, and its spin-wave spectrum is well described by linear spin-wave theory for the spin-2 square-lattice Heisenberg Hamiltonian with Ising anisotropy. Upon doping, as the e g electron concentration (1-x) decreases, both the two-dimensional antiferromagnetic spin correlations in the paramagnetic phase and the low-temperature ordered moment decrease due to an increase of frustrating interactions, and Néel order disappears above x c=0.115(10). The magnetic frustration is closely related to changes in the e g orbital occupancies and the associated Jahn-Teller distortions. In the intermediate region, there exists neither long-range magnetic nor superstructural order. Short-range-correlated structural ́ nanopatcheś begin to form above x∼-0.25. At high doping (x≥0.45), the ground state of La 1-xSr 1+xMnO 4 exhibits long-range superstructural order and a complex antiferromagnetic order, which differs from that at low doping. The superstructural order is thought to arise from charge and orbital ordering on the Mn sites, and for x=0.50 we conclude that it is of B2mm symmetry. For x>0.50, the superstructural order becomes incommensurate with the lattice, with a modulation wave vector e g that depends linearly on the eg electron concentration: eε=2(1-x). On the other hand, the magnetic order remains commensurate, but loses its long-range coherence upon doping beyond x=0.50.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Article number024435
JournalPhysical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics
Issue number2
StatePublished - Jan 2005


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