Stress system concordance as a predictor of longitudinal patterns of resilience in adolescence

Andrea Wiglesworth, Jessica Butts, Katherine A. Carosella, Salahudeen Mirza, Victoria Papke, Jason José Bendezú, Bonnie Klimes-Dougan, Kathryn R. Cullen

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

8 Scopus citations


Resilience promotes positive adaptation to challenges and may facilitate recovery for adolescents experiencing psychopathology. This work examined concordance across the experience, expression, and physiological response to stress as a protective factor that may predict longitudinal patterns of psychopathology and well-being that mark resilience. Adolescents aged 14-17 at recruitment (oversampled for histories of non-suicidal self-injury; NSSI) were part of a three-wave (T1, T2, T3) longitudinal study. Multi-trajectory modeling produced four distinct profiles of stress experience, expression, and physiology at T1 (High-High-High, Low-Low-Low, High-Low-Moderate, and High-High-Low, respectively). Linear mixed-effect regressions modeled whether the profiles predicted depressive symptoms, suicide ideation, NSSI engagement, positive affect, satisfaction with life, and self-worth over time. Broadly, concordant stress response profiles (Low-Low-Low, High-High-High) were associated with resilient-like patterns of psychopathology and well-being over time. Adolescents with a concordant High-High-High stress response profile showed a trend of greater reduction in depressive symptoms (B = 0.71, p = 0.052), as well as increased global self-worth (B = -0.88, p = 0.055), from T2 to T3 compared to the discordant High-High-Low profile. Concordance across multi-level stress responses may be protective and promote future resilience, whereas blunted physiological responses in the presence of high perceived and expressed stress may indicate poorer outcomes over time.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)2384-2401
Number of pages18
JournalDevelopment and psychopathology
Issue number5
StatePublished - Dec 12 2023

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© The Author(s), 2023. Published by Cambridge University Press.


  • adolescence
  • depressive symptoms
  • resilience
  • self-worth
  • stress response


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