Streptomyces for Sustainability

Patricia Vaz Jauri, Nora Altier, Linda L. Kinkel

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter

13 Scopus citations


Streptomyces is a genus of gram-positive bacteria with a mycelial growth habit and the ability to produce spores. Due to their unparalleled ability to produce antibiotics, most of the early research carried out on Streptomyces was antibiotic discovery-driven, with over two thirds of antibiotics used for medical purposes originally isolated from Streptomyces. However, their ubiquity, high capacity of adaptation to different niches and rich secondary metabolite production, make them an invaluable source of solutions in diverse human activities, including medicine, agriculture, industry and toxic waste remotion. In addition to the ability to culture and produce Streptomyces and Streptomyces-derived metabolites, knowledge on how to manipulate natural populations of Streptomyces will likely improve our ability to make environmentally sustainable decisions.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Title of host publicationMicroorganisms for Sustainability
Number of pages26
StatePublished - 2016

Publication series

NameMicroorganisms for Sustainability
ISSN (Print)2512-1898
ISSN (Electronic)2512-1901

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© Springer Science+Business Media Singapore 2016.


  • Chitinase Production
  • Genus Streptomyces
  • Induce Systemic Resistance
  • Plant Growth Promotion
  • Soil Health


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