Strategies to prevent underage drinking

Kelli A. Komro, Traci L Toomey

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

87 Scopus citations


Alcohol use by underage drinkers is a persistent public health problem in the United States, and alcohol is the most commonly used drug among adolescents. Accordingly, numerous approaches have been developed and studied that aim to prevent underage drinking. Some approaches are school based, involving curricula targeted at preventing alcohol, tobacco, or marijuana use. Other approaches are extracurricular, offering activities outside of school in the form of social or life skills training or alternative activities. Other strategies strive to involve the adolescents' families in the prevention programs. Policy strategies also have been implemented that have increased the minimum legal drinking age, reduced the commercial and social access of adolescents to alcohol, and reduced the economic availability of alcohol. Approaches involving the entire community also have been employed. Several programs (e.g., the Midwestern Prevention Project and Project Northland) have combined many of these strategies.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)5-14
Number of pages10
JournalAlcohol Research and Health
Issue number1
StatePublished - 2002


  • Alcohol or other drug (AOD) public policy strategy
  • Curriculum
  • Family focused prevention
  • Minimum drinking age
  • Prevention strategy
  • Prevention through alternative activities
  • School-based prevention
  • Skills building
  • Underage drinking


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