Spontaneous symmetry breaking of (1+1)-dimensional φ4 theory in light-front field theory. III

Stephen S. Pinsky, Brett Van De Sande, John R. Hiller

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57 Scopus citations


We investigate (1+1)-dimensional φ4 field theory in the symmetric and broken phases using discrete light-front quantization. We calculate the perturbative solution of the zero-mode constraint equation for both the symmetric and broken phases and show that standard renormalization of the theory yields finite results. We study the perturbative zero-mode contribution to two diagrams and show that the light-front formulation gives the same result as the equal-time formulation. In the broken phase of the theory, we obtain the nonperturbative solutions of the constraint equation and confirm our previous speculation that the critical coupling is logarithmically divergent. We discuss the renormalization of this divergence but are not able to find a satisfactory nonperturbative technique. Finally we investigate properties that are insensitive to this divergence, calculate the critical exponent of the theory, and find agreement with mean field theory as expected.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)726-733
Number of pages8
JournalPhysical Review D
Issue number2
StatePublished - 1995


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