Single leptoquark production at hadron colliders

J. Ohnemus, S. Rudaz, T. F. Walsh, P. M. Zerwas

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44 Scopus citations


Leptoquarks can be produced in pairs by gluon-gluon fusion and quark-antiquark annihilation at hadron colliders. While HERA is the proper machine for single production of (eu) and (ed) type leptoquarks, the flavor species of (μu), (μd) and (τu), (τd) type leptoquarks can be produced at hadron colliders very efficiently. Besides exploiting gluon-quark collisions, leptoquarks can also be produced singly by colliding the quarks in one proton beam with leptons e, μ, τ generated by splitting photons which are radiated off the quarks in the other proton beam. For Yukawa couplings of the size α leptoquark masses up to about 300 GeV can be generated at the Tevatron while the LHC can produce leptoquarks with masses up to about 3 TeV. [Leptoquarks involving heavy quarks can be produced singly at a lower rate, determined by the heavy flavor flux in the proton beam.].

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)203-207
Number of pages5
JournalPhysics Letters B
Issue number1-2
StatePublished - Aug 11 1994

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
We thank J. Bltimlein, W. Buchmiiller and E Schrempp for discussions. Special thanks go to P. Jenni for providing us with material on the production of pairs of leptoquarks at the LHC. This work has been supported in part by Department of Energy grants # DE-FG03-91ER40674 and # DE-FG02-94ER40823 and by Texas National Research Laboratory grant # RGFY93-330.


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