Seroepizootiologic study of bovine respiratory syncytial virus in a dairy herd.

J. C. Baker, T. R. Ames, R. J. Markham

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58 Scopus citations


A 16-month seroepizootiologic study of bovine respiratory syncytial virus (BRSV) infection was conducted in a dairy herd. Results indicated that antibodies to BRSV present in serum from newborn calves were derived through the ingestion of colostrum. This passive immunity in calves became undetectable in an average of 99 days (SD = 36.5; range = 30 to 208 days). Two epizootics of respiratory tract disease occurred during the study period, and an association with BRSV was demonstrated in both epizootics. In the 2 epizootics, clinical signs of respiratory tract disease were only mildly to moderately severe, with no mortality or evidence of chronic pneumonia occurring. Seemingly, the passive immunity failed to protect calves from infection and disease caused by BRSV. Additionally, it was observed that if active immunity was induced by infection with BRSV, this immunity protected from the development of clinical disease, but not from reinfection upon subsequent exposures to BRSV.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)240-245
Number of pages6
JournalAmerican Journal of Veterinary Research
Issue number2
StatePublished - Feb 1 1986


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