Section VII: Needs and opportunities for international research: Summary of panel discussion

R. V. Luepker, R. Beaglehole, M. H. Criqui, M. Feinleib, D. G. Julian, L. H. Kuller, G. Rose, J. Stamler

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

1 Scopus citations


Research is encouraged on better methods of studying population trends for coronary heart disease (CHD). Regional, national and international surveys and surveillance will enhance understanding and promote rational policy. Careful regional studies, international collaboration and common methods will strengthen understanding of trends. These efforts deserve continued support based on past productivity and future expectations. Consistent support is required for those centres where an intense intellectual activity and continuity of surveillance efforts go on, to improve the capability to measure, explain and predict disease trends. Many societies now live under conditions where diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, economic factors, social behaviours, risk factors and disease rates are all in a highly dynamic state. The need for detecting, explaining and predicting disease trends will therefore not lessen. The complexity of doing so, however, will surely increase. Rational public health policy depends on such consistent and competent research.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)S231-S232
JournalInternational journal of epidemiology
Issue numberSUPPL. 1
StatePublished - 1989


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