Robust, Accurate, and Efficient: Quantum Embedding Using the Huzinaga Level-Shift Projection Operator for Complex Systems

Daniel S. Graham, Xuelan Wen, Dhabih V. Chulhai, Jason D. Goodpaster

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

16 Scopus citations


Using wave function (WF) in density functional theory (DFT) embedding methods provides a framework for performing localized, high-accuracy WF calculations on a system, while not incurring the full computational cost of the WF calculation on the full system. To effectively partition a system into localized WF and DFT subsystems, we utilize the Huzinaga level-shift projection operator within an absolutely localized basis. In this work, we study the ability of the absolutely localized Huzinaga level-shift projection operator method to study complex WF and DFT partitions, including partitions between multiple covalent bonds, a double bond, and transition-metal-ligand bonds. We find that our methodology can accurately describe all of these complex partitions. Additionally, we study the robustness of this method with respect to the WF method, specifically where the embedded systems were described using a multiconfigurational WF method. We found that the method is systematically improvable with respect to both the number of atoms in the WF region and the size of the basis set used, with energy errors less than 1 kcal/mol. Additionally, we calculated the adsorption energy of H2 to a model of an iron metal-organic framework (Fe-MOF-74) to within 1 kcal/mol compared to CASPT2 calculations performed on the full model while incurring only a small fraction of the full computational cost. This work demonstrates that the absolutely localized Huzinaga level-shift projection operator method is applicable to very complex systems with difficult electronic structures.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)2284-2295
Number of pages12
JournalJournal of Chemical Theory and Computation
Issue number4
StatePublished - Apr 14 2020

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
This research was carried out within the Nanoporous Materials Genome Center, which is supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, Division of Chemical Sciences, Geosciences, and Biosciences under Award DE-FG02-17ER16362. The authors acknowledge the Minnesota Supercomputing Institute (MSI) at the University of Minnesota and the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC), a DOE Office of Science User Facility supported by the Office of Science of the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC02-05CH11231, for providing resources that contributed to the results reported within this paper.

Funding Information:
This research was carried out within the Nanoporous Materials Genome Center, which is supported by the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Basic Energy Sciences, Division of Chemical Sciences, Geosciences and Biosciences under Award DE-FG02-17ER16362. The authors acknowledge the Minnesota Supercomputing Institute (MSI) at the University of Minnesota and the National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center (NERSC), a DOE Office of Science User Facility supported by the Office of Science of the U.S. Department of Energy under Contract No. DE-AC02-05CH11231 for providing resources that contributed to the results reported within this paper.

Publisher Copyright:
© 2020 American Chemical Society.


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