Relationship between FEV1 and peak oxygen uptake in children with cystic fibrosis

Paul Pianosi, John LeBlanc, Anthony Almudevar

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52 Scopus citations


Cross-sectional data do not truly convey the manner in which declining lung function affects peak oxygen uptake (peak V̇O2) within a given patient with cystic fibrosis. We hypothesized that there would be a concomitant decline in peak V̇O2 with FEV1 over time. Twenty-eight children aged 8-17 years with cystic fibrosis performed annual ergometer tests over a 5-year period to determine peak V̇O2 and within-patient predictors of change in peak V̇O2. Analysis was done using a mixed-effects model. During the study period, the annual decline in FEV 1 averaged 2.7% of the predicted value per year. Peak V̇O 2 fell during the observation period in 70% of patients, with an average annualized decline of 1.9 ml · min-1 · kg -1. This rate of decline was greater in older children in contrast to younger children, some of whom had an improvement in peak V̇O2 over the first few years, consistent with growth and maturation. There was no difference in this rate of decline between sexes, but girls started with a slightly lower peak V̇O2 (37.9 vs. 45.1 ml · min -1 · kg-1). In patients with FEV1 <80% predicted, declining FEV1 was highly correlated with falling peak V̇O2, whereas it remained stable over 4-5 years in patients whose FEV1 was >80% predicted and remained in that range. We conclude that peak V̇O2 remains stable or rises slightly over time in younger patients, while it shows a downward trend in older children with CF, particularly once FEV1 falls below 80% predicted. Peak V̇O2 is correlated with FEV1 during childhood in patients with cystic fibrosis, and both FEV1 and age influence peak V̇O2 Pediatr Pulmonol.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)324-329
Number of pages6
JournalPediatric pulmonology
Issue number4
StatePublished - Oct 2005
Externally publishedYes


  • Cystic fibrosis
  • Exercise
  • Maximum oxygen uptake
  • Pulmonary function


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