Relapse among adolescent drug abusers following treatment: The role of probable ADHD status

William W. Latimer, Jenna Ernst, Jodi Hennessey, Randy D. Stinchfield, Ken C. Winters

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

14 Scopus citations


This is a report on a sample of adolescent drug abusers in treatment (N = 220) to estimate the degree to which probable ADHD status increases the odds of posttreatment alcohol, marijuana, and other drug relapse during the initial 6 months following discharge. Drug abusing youth with probable ADHD status exhibited 2.5 times the risk of posttreatment alcohol relapse when compared to youth without probable ADHD status while controlling for demographics, pretreatment conduct-disordered behavior, pretreatment alcohol use frequency, and treatment factors. A significant crude association between probable ADHD status and other drug relapse was not maintained when adjusted for pretreatment conduct-disordered behavior, pretreatment other drug use frequency, or treatment factors. Different conceptual models are offered to explain substance-specific associations between probable ADHD status and posttreatment relapse. The findings suggest that standard treatment approaches that do not directly address comorbid disorders may result in elevated posttreatment relapse rates among recovering youth with ADHD.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)1-16
Number of pages16
JournalJournal of Child and Adolescent Substance Abuse
Issue number3
StatePublished - 2004

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
William W. Latimer, PhD, MPH, is Associate Professor with The Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health, Department of Mental Health, 624 N. Broadway Avenue, Baltimore, MD 21205. Jenna Ernst and Jodi Hennessey are affiliated with The University of Minnesota, Institute on Community Integration, 150 Pillsbury Drive SE, Minneapolis, MN 55455. Randy D. Stinchfield, PhD, and Ken C. Winters, PhD, are affiliated with The University of Minnesota, Department of Psychiatry, Riverside Avenue, Minneapolis, MN 55454. Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to the first author. This research was supported by a Scientist Development Award (DA00254) and FIRST Award (DA10777) to William W. Latimer and a research project grant to Ken C. Winters (DA05104) from the National Institute on Drug Abuse.


  • ADHD
  • Adolescence
  • Comorbidity
  • Drug abuse
  • Treatment outcome


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