Reflexive Mixed Methods Research in Comparative and International Education: Context, Complexity, and Transdisciplinarity

Research output: Book/ReportBook


Responding to both the increase of mixed methods research (MMR) and the lack of dialogue about its philosophical and methodological practices in comparative and international education (CIE) Reflexive Mixed Methods Research in Comparative and International Education: Context, Complexity, and Transdisciplinarity offers readers an overview of different philosophical approaches to mixed methods, as well as the practical processes to engage in MMR with reflexivity. Comparing reflexivity to a kaleidoscope, the author describes how it can be used throughout the research process to engage with different paradigms and methods, as well as to integrate findings and consider emerging interconnections. The book discusses various ways to reflexively adapt designs, methods, and analyses, and integrate findings in MMR to better contextualize knowledge in the field of CIE. It illustrates different approaches to MMR through various case summaries, and each chapter poses reflexive questions for researchers to consider during their research projects. It emphasizes a critical realist approach, particularly for how it involves epistemological pluralism while also offering contingent explanations to educational questions. Through a reflexive approach, the book offers possibilities for conducting better and more epistemically just MMR. This is fascinating reading for both new and more experienced researchers to expand the craft of researching with MM. Interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary teams, as well as sole researchers, will find concrete research practices in the book for employing reflexive MMR to understand complex educational issues.

Original languageEnglish (US)
PublisherTaylor and Francis
Number of pages114
ISBN (Electronic)9781040001479
ISBN (Print)9781032344966
StatePublished - Jan 1 2024

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2024 Joan G. DeJaeghere.


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