Redistribution into plasma of tracer doses of desipramine by anti-desipramine antiserum in rats

Paul Pentel, Susan M. Pond, Deric Schoof

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

23 Scopus citations
Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)293-295
Number of pages3
JournalBiochemical Pharmacology
Issue number2
StatePublished - Jan 15 1987
Externally publishedYes

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
Redistribution of 13HfDMI from tissues to plasma is supported by the observed decreasei n radiolabel con-centrationin mostt issueso f DMI-As-treated animalsc om-pared to control animals (Fig. 2, Table 1). Decreasesi n radiolabel concentrationw ere substantial,r anging from 51% in musclet o 77% in fat. Comparabled ecreasesw ere found in brain (74%) and heart (54%), the targeto rgans for DMI toxicity. The decreaseso bservedi n theseo rgans support the potential use of DMI-As to reverse DMI toxicity.I t mustb e emphasizedh, owever,t hat the dose of [3H]DMI used in this study was less than <O.OOlo f the toxic dose. Furthers upportf or the potentialt herapeuticu seo f DMI-As is provided by the rapid time courseo f redistribution of radiolabel. In humans, DMI toxicity from overdose progressesr apidly and most deathso ccur within hours of drugi ngestion[ 4].I f D&II-As is to be of usei n treatingD MI toxicity, antagonismo f toxicity must be correspondingly rapid. In the current study, nearly half of the maximum increasein plasmar adiolabelc oncentrationo ccurredw ithin 2 min of DMI-As administrationT. his observations uggests that the pharmacokinetice ffect of DMI-As on [3H]DMI distributioni s prompt enought o warrantf urther studya s a therapeutica gent.

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