Quantitative analysis of visna virus replication in Vivo

Adam P. Geballe, Peter Ventura, Linda Stowring, Ashley T. Haase

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

23 Scopus citations


Visna virus is the prototype of the lentivirus subfamily, a group of nontransforming retroviruses that cause slow infections in sheep and goats. In nature, virus is acquired primarily by the respiratory route and subsequently spreads to several organ systems. These viruses persist for years in their hosts despite a vigorous immune response because of a block in virus gene expression. This report continues the analysis of persistence in vivo, and specifically examines a gene dosage hypothesis that has been advanced as an explanation for the decrease in transcription and virus production in the cells in infected animals. For this analysis a new pulmonary model has been developed that, in conjunction with quantitative in situ hybridization, provides an opportunity to examine in animals the molecular events that occur in the course of the viral life cycle. We establish the feasibility of such a longitudinal analysis in vivo, document restriction in gene expression in alveolar macrophages and provide evidence that this restriction cannot be accounted for simply by gene dosage. The approach illustrated with visna should be of general applicability to other dynamic and molecular investigations of virus infection.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)148-154
Number of pages7
Issue number1
StatePublished - Feb 1985


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