Putting the “A” into WaSH: a call for integrated management of water, animals, sanitation, and hygiene

Andrew J. Prendergast, Radhika Gharpure, Siobhan Mor, Mark Viney, Kululeko Dube, Joanne Lello, Cedric Berger, Joyce Siwila, Mathieu Joyeux, Tinashe Hodobo, Lisa Hurt, Tim Brown, Patience Hoto, Naume Tavengwa, Kuda Mutasa, Susan Craddock, Bernard Chasekwa, Ruairi C. Robertson, Ceri Evans, Dzivaidzo ChidhanguroBatsirai Mutasa, Florence Majo, Laura E. Smith, Mitsuaki Hirai, Robert Ntozini, Jean H. Humphrey, David Berendes

Research output: Contribution to journalComment/debatepeer-review

44 Scopus citations
Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)e336-e337
JournalThe Lancet Planetary Health
Issue number8
StatePublished - Aug 2019

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
We declare no competing interests. We thank Shamiso Fernando, Virginia Sauramba, and Philipa Rambanepasi for their contributions to the meeting that led to this manuscript in Harare, Zimbabwe, on May 22–23, 2019. The meeting was funded by the UK Medical Research Council (grant MC_PC_MR/R019436/1 ). AJP, RCR, and CE are funded by the Wellcome Trust (grants 108065/Z/15/Z , 206455/Z/17/Z , and 203905/Z/16/Z ). The opinions in this Comment are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of their institutions, UNICEF, or UN.

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