Prevaporized JP-10 Combustion and the Enhanced Production of Turbulence Using Countercurrent Shear

D. J. Forliti, A. A. Behrens, B. A. Tang, P. J. Strykowski

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter


The countercurrent shear has been used successfully to control nonreacting flows ranging from low-subsonic to over Mach 2 and at temperatures between ambient and 1650°C (3000 °F). The countercurrent shear has advantages over other active and passive control strategies for the unconfined shear flows as well as the confined flows of critical importance to Navy combustion systems. This chapter examines the application of counterflow control to the combustion of prevaporized JP-10 in a dump combustor operating near stoichiometric conditions at a heat-release rate in the range of 100-200 kW, as well as the ability of counterflow to enhance the production of turbulence in a self-similar nonreacting shear layer. The flammability of the JP-10/air mixture seems to be limited to fairly high equivalence ratios, which has led to a thermoacoustic instability that flashes back into the combustor plenum if the equivalence ratio is slightly above 0.9.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Title of host publicationCombustion Processes in Propulsion
PublisherElsevier Inc.
Number of pages12
ISBN (Print)9780123693945
StatePublished - 2006

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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