Prevalence of various presale radiographic findings and association of findings with sales price in Thoroughbred yearlings sold in Kentucky

Stephanie A. Preston, Dana N. Zimmel, Terese L. Chmielewski, Troy N. Trumble, Murray P. Brown, Joseph C. Boneau, Jorge A. Hernandez

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20 Scopus citations


Objective - To estimate prevalences of various presale radiographic findings and of presale arthroscopy in horses offered for sale at the 2006 Keeneland September yearling sale and to compare sales prices between yearlings with and without various presale radiographic findings or a history of arthroscopy. Animals - 397 Thoroughbred yearlings. Design - Cross-sectional study. Procedures - Presale radiographs and health records were examined to estimate prevalences of various radiographic findings and presale arthroscopy. Sales price records were used to compare sales prices between yearlings with and without various presale radiographic findings or a history of arthroscopy. Results - In the forelimbs, the most common radiographic findings were vascular channels in the proximal sesamoid bones (23%), enthesophytes or osteophytes in the radiocarpal joint (22%), and osteochondritis lesions involving the sagittal ridge of the third metacarpal bone (20%). In the hind limbs, the most common radiographic findings were enthesophytes or osteophytes involving the proximal sesamoid bones (39%), abnormalities of the distodorsal aspect of the third metatarsal bone (36%), enthesophytes or osteophytes involving the distal intertarsal joint (27%), and osteochondritis lesions involving the stifle joint (8%). Thirteen percent of horses had a history of presale arthroscopy. Median sales price was significantly lower in horses with fragments of the proximal phalanx than in horses without. Median sales price was significantly higher in horses with a history of presale arthroscopy than in horses without. Conclusions and Clinical Relevance - Results revealed significant associations between a diagnosis of fragments of the proximal phalanx, presale arthroscopy, and sales price in Thoroughbred yearlings.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)440-445
Number of pages6
JournalJournal of the American Veterinary Medical Association
Issue number4
StatePublished - Feb 15 2010


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