Preliminary Analysis Of Hydropower Production Feasibility At Twenty-One Existing Dam Sites In The State Of Minnesota

John S. Gulliver, Rodrick J. Garver, Roger E. A. Arndt, C. Edward Bowers

Research output: Book/ReportOther report


A preliminary estimate of hydropower production feasibility was made for twenty-one existing dam sites in the State of Minnesota. The purpose of the preliminary analysis was to determine whether a comprehensive feasibility study is justified for the site. The expected annual energy production and initial project cost were estimated for each site. Initial cost estimates include turbine, generator, transmission line, and other electromechanical features as well as the civil features of hydropower retrofitting. Initial cost does not include dam rehabilitation, since the required information is not available for 19 of the 21 sites. The "relative cost" of the project was defined as the initial cost divided by the annual energy production, and was calculated for each site. The relative cost and general curves for payback period were used to estimate hydropower feasibility at each site. The results of the preliminary analysis are: 5 sites have good or very good hydropower feasibility, 6 sites are marginal, and 10 sites have poor hydropower feasibility. Estimates of the cost of a comprehensive feasibility study are included for each site.
Original languageEnglish (US)
StatePublished - Aug 1980


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