Prediction of local part-mold and ejection force in injection molding

Omar M. Bataineh, Barney E. Klamecki

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16 Scopus citations


A numerical simulation system was developed to predict local part-mold forces and local and total ejection forces in injection molding. Local reaction forces between the part and mold surfaces are calculated first using numerical molding process and structural simulations. Using experimentally obtained coefficients of friction the friction force and ejection force are calculated. Ring moldings were used to measure the coefficient of friction. Box moldings were used to validate predictions of local and total ejection forces and to demonstrate the use of the system in mold design. Calculated ejection force was maximum at the beginning of ejection and differed by 10%-16% from experimental values, with the difference being much less over the main part of the ejection process. The maximum number of ejector pins for failed ejection was predicted. The difference between the predicted and observed number of ejector pins was at most four pins for a twenty ejector pin system.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)598-604
Number of pages7
JournalJournal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering
Issue number3
StatePublished - Aug 2005


  • Ejection force
  • Injection molding
  • Mold-part force


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