Phosphorus availability bioassay using bone ash and bone densitometry as response criteria.

M. P. Akpe, P. E. Waibel, K. Larntz, A. L. Metz, S. L. Noll, M. M. Walser

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37 Scopus citations


Two experiments were conducted to examine the relative precision of bone densitometry and bone ash methodologies as response criteria in measurement of bioavailability of phosphorus from various supplements for turkeys. Multivariate analyses of variance were used to analyze data collected. Coefficients of correlation and variation and F ratios were used for evaluation. Bone densitometry with one scan at each of 3 points on the bone was faster than bone ash and as precise as bone ash analysis in measuring phosphorus availability in turkeys. The coefficient of correlation between percentage ash (of dry bone) and scan density (milligrams per centimeter length of bone) measurements for treatment effects was .986. The coefficient of variation was about the same for the bone ash (5.8) and the three-point bone scan (6.9) methods. As indicated by the F ratio for testing treatment effects, bone densitometry was better able to detect differences among phosphorus sources. A technician may scan 50 cleaned bones in 3 hr, but with the bone ash method, drying, ashing, and weighing may require 3 working days. Bone sampling technique, multiple operators, different bone sizes, and decay of iodine source were the major factors affecting precision of the bone densitometry technique. Relative biological availabilities of phosphorus from various supplements were about the same by the two methods.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)713-720
Number of pages8
JournalPoultry science
Issue number4
StatePublished - Apr 1987
Externally publishedYes


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