Pharmacokinetic assessment of efflux transport in sunitinib distribution to the Brain

Rajneet K. Oberoi, Rajendar K. Mittapalli, William F. Elmquist

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61 Scopus citations


This study quantitatively assessed transport mechanisms that limit the brain distribution of sunitinib and investigated adjuvant strategies to improve its brain delivery for the treatment of glio-blastoma multiforme (GBM). Sunitinib has not shown significant activity in GBM clinical trials, despite positive results seen in pre-clinical xenograft studies. We performed in vivo studies in trans-genic Friend leukemia virus strain B mice: wild-type, Mdr1a/b(-/-), Bcrp1(-/-), and Mdr1a/b(-/-)Bcrp1(-/-) genotypes were examined. The brain-to-plasma area under the curve ratio after an oral dose (20 mg/kg) was similar to the steady-state tissue distribution coefficient, indicating linear distribution kinetics in mice over this concentration range. Furthermore, the distribution of sunitinib to the brain increased after administration of selective P-glycoprotein (P-gp) or breast cancer resistance protein (Bcrp) pharmacological inhibitors and a dual inhibitor, elacridar, comparable to that of the corresponding transgenic genotype. The brain-to-plasma ratio after coadministration of elacridar in wild-type mice was ∼12 compared with ∼17.3 in Mdr1a/b(-/-)Bcrp1(-/-) mice. Overall, these findings indicate that there is a cooperation at the blood-brain barrier (BBB) in restricting the brain penetration of sunitinib, and brain delivery can be enhanced by administration of a dual inhibitor. These data indicate that the presence of cooperative efflux transporters, P-gp and Bcrp, in an intact BBB can protect invasive glioma cells from chemotherapy. Thus, one may consider the use of transporter inhibition as a powerful adjuvant in the design of future clinical trials for the targeted delivery of sunitinib in GBM.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)755-764
Number of pages10
JournalJournal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics
Issue number3
StatePublished - Dec 2013


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