Pharmaceutical care leadership: An innovative pharmacy practice residency model

Todd D Sorensen, Sarah M. Biebighauser

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

16 Scopus citations


Objective: To describe the establishment of the Pharmaceutical Care Leadership Residency Program (PCLRP), a residency experience that prepares graduates to take responsibility for leading practice change in pharmacy. Setting: University-based residency program focused on delivery of pharmaceutical care in ambulatory care settings. Practice Description and Innovation: Currently, ambulatory care pharmacy practice is in a position analogous to that of institutional-based clinical pharmacy in the 1960s and 1970s in that practice in this arena is not well established and tremendous opportunity for growth exists. Just as early residency programs in the institutional environment specifically emphasized the development of leaders who would advance clinical pharmacy, residencies in the ambulatory setting could now do much to further pharmaceutical care practice. The 24-month PCLRP experience combines elements of a traditional pharmacy practice residency with specific leadership development activities designed to help residents develop the skills required for establishing influence, practice-based leadership, leadership through teaching, and professional advocacy. Main Outcome Measures: Individuals completing this program will possess a complement of skills and experience not often found in new pharmacy practitioners. They will be prepared to pursue a variety of career paths that focus on advancement of pharmaceutical care practice. Results: Program graduates report feeling better prepared and more confident in their ability to accept responsibility for leading practice change. They have also been successful in establishing new pharmaceutical care practices during the residency experience. Conclusion: The success of pharmacy's professional transformation is dependent on the profession's ability to help individuals develop the knowledge, skills, and values required to lead this initiative. The residency program meets this challenge by placing a unique emphasis on developing leadership skills as they relate to establishing influence, pharmaceutical care practice development, teaching, and professional advocacy.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)527-532
Number of pages6
JournalJournal of the American Pharmacists Association
Issue number4
StatePublished - 2003


  • Education
  • Leadership
  • Practice development
  • Professional development
  • Residency


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