Performance evaluation of electrostatically augmented air filters coupled with a corona precharger

J. K. Lee, S. C. Kim, J. H. Shin, J. E. Lee, J. H. Ku, H. S. Shin

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46 Scopus citations


An experimental study of electrostatically augmented air (EAA) filters coupled with a corona precharger has been conducted using Arizona road dusts and tobacco smoke. The measurements of filter efficiency and pressure drop across the EAA filter have been made using an ASHRAE 52.1-1992 filter test system and an opacity meter to measure the particle concentration upstream and downstream of the test filter. The two-stage EAA filter unit consists of the positive corona precharger upstream of a filter, to precharge particles with the electrical strength of 4.7 kV/cm, and an electrified filter collector, which has folded media with meshy metal separators, in the upstream and downstream side gaps. DC voltage of +1,000 V (1.4 kV/cm) is applied between the upstream and downstream separators to produce an electric field between the separators and media as well as across the media in a polarity so that most of the precharged particulates are collected on the upstream filter collector. A conventional filter was measured and had 70.0% efficiency with dusts of 1.96 μm in mass median diameter and 2.5 m/s face velocity, while the EAA filter had 92.9% efficiency. An electrical effect on the EAA filter was evaluated to both improve the filter efficiency and reduce the pressure drop across the filter. Also, the performance evaluation of the EAA filter using an air handling chamber system in occupied space was investigated with tobacco smoke particles.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)785-791
Number of pages7
JournalAerosol Science and Technology
Issue number4
StatePublished - 2001


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