Overview of key molecular and pharmacological targets for diabetes and associated diseases

SH Shahcheraghi, AAA Aljabali, MS Al Zoubi, V Mishra, NB Charbe, YA Haggag, G Shrivastava, AG Almutary, AM Alnuqaydan, D Barh, K Dua, DK Chellappan, G Gupta, M Lotfi, A Serrano-Aroca, B Bahar, YK Mishra, K Takayama, PK Panda, HA BakshiMM Tambuwala

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

12 Scopus citations


Diabetes epidemiological quantities are demonstrating one of the most important communities' health worries. The essential diabetic difficulties are including cardiomyopathy, nephropathy, inflammation, and retinopathy. Despite developments in glucose decreasing treatments and drugs, these diabetic complications are still ineffectively reversed or prohibited. Several signaling and molecular pathways are vital targets in the new therapies of diabetes. This review assesses the newest researches about the key molecules and signaling pathways as targets of molecular pharmacology in diabetes and diseases related to it for better treatment based on molecular sciences. The disease is not cured by current pharmacological strategies for type 2 diabetes. While several drug combinations are accessible that can efficiently modulate glycemia and mitigate long-term complications, these agents do not reverse pathogenesis, and in practice, they are not established to modify the patient's specific molecular profiling. Therapeutic companies have benefited from human genetics. Genome exploration, which is agnostic to the information that exists, has revealed tens of loci that impact glycemic modulation. The physiological report has begun to examine subtypes of diseases, illustrate heterogeneity and propose biochemical therapeutic pathways.
Original languageEnglish (US)
Article number119632
Number of pages14
JournalLife Sciences
StatePublished - Aug 1 2021


  • Diabetes
  • Diabetic complications
  • Molecular pharmacology
  • Signaling pathways
  • Targets


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