Ovarian Intermediate Trophoblastic Tumors: Genotyping Defines a Distinct Category of Nongestational Tumors of Germ Cell Type

Deyin Xing, Minghao Zhong, Fei Ye, Michael T. O'Malley, Shaotiao Li, Russell Vang, Brigitte M. Ronnett

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

8 Scopus citations


Trophoblastic neoplasms involving the ovary are uncommon and include gestational tumors, which are either metastatic from the uterus or ectopic and nongestational tumors, which include those of germ cell type/origin and somatic tumors with trophoblastic differentiation; in all these types, most are pure choriocarcinoma. Intermediate trophoblastic tumors, which include placental site trophoblastic tumor (PSTT) and epithelioid trophoblastic tumor (ETT), are rare in the ovary, with most assumed to be gestational; this is the only category formally recognized in 2014 World Health Organization (WHO) classification, likely due to few well-documented nongestational examples. We report the clinicopathologic features of 6 ovarian intermediate trophoblastic tumors, including 3 PSTTs, 2 ETTs, and 1 ETT with choriocarcinomatous differentiation. DNA-based short tandem repeat genotyping identified 4 of these as nongestational (3 PSTTs and 1 ETT), as evidenced by sharing of alleles between tumor and normal tissue at all informative loci. Interestingly, all 3 of the nongestational PSTTs coexisted with mature cystic teratoma. The remaining 2 tumors (1 ETT and 1 ETT with some choriocarcinomatous differentiation) were gestational (likely ectopic due to lack of evidence of a uterine tumor), as evidenced by the presence of both maternal and novel/nonmaternal alleles at informative loci in tumor compared with normal tissue. It is important to recognize a distinct category of primary ovarian nongestational intermediate trophoblastic tumors of germ cell type/origin, including PSTT and ETT, in classification systems to guide clinical management, as gestational and nongestational tumors have different genetic origins and may require different therapy. Genotyping is useful for classification as nongestational versus gestational, particularly as traditional clinicopathologic findings cannot always predict the nature of a trophoblastic tumor.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)516-525
Number of pages10
JournalAmerican Journal of Surgical Pathology
Issue number4
StatePublished - Apr 1 2020
Externally publishedYes

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
Conflicts of Interest and Source of Funding: Supported by the Career Enhancement Award by the Cervical Cancer SPORE program (P50CA098252) at Johns Hopkins (D.X.). The authors have disclosed that they have no significant relationships with, or financial interest in, any commercial companies pertaining to this article.

Publisher Copyright:
Copyright © 2019 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.


  • epithelioid trophoblastic tumor
  • molecular genotyping
  • nongestational trophoblastic tumor
  • ovarian germ cell tumor
  • placental site trophoblastic tumor


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