OPTN/SRTR 2020 Annual Data Report: Heart

M. Colvin, J. M. Smith, Y. Ahn, M. A. Skeans, E. Messick, K. Bradbrook, K. Gauntt, A. K. Israni, J. J. Snyder, B. L. Kasiske

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

130 Scopus citations


As we enter the third year of the new adult heart allocation policy, we are faced with the new challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic. In 2020, new listings (adult and pediatric) decreased slightly, with 4000 new listings in 2020, compared with 4087 in 2019; however, the number of adult heart transplants performed continued to increase, to 3715 in 2020. The number of pediatric heart transplants declined from 509 in 2019 to 465 in 2020. One-year and six-month posttransplant mortality rates in adult recipients have increased slightly since 2015 but have not significantly changed over the past decade. Overall, posttransplant mortality rates for adult recipients were 7.4% at six months and 9.4% at one year for transplants in 2019, 14.0% at three years for transplants in 2017, and 19.1% at five years for transplants in 2015. Although shorter-term posttransplant mortality rates have slightly increased, there has been a steady downward trend in longer-term mortality. Mortality rates for pediatric recipients were 5.7% at six months and 8.1% at one year for transplants in 2019, 11.6% at three years for transplants in 2017, and 15.2% at five years for transplants in 2015.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)350-437
Number of pages88
JournalAmerican Journal of Transplantation
Issue numberS2
StatePublished - Mar 2022

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


  • End-stage heart failure
  • heart transplant
  • transplant outcomes
  • ventricular assist device


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