On gluino condensation in supersymmetric gauge theories with SU(N) and O(N) groups

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149 Scopus citations


We consider supersymmetric SU(N) and O(N) gauge theories without matter and propose a method for calculating the gluino condensate 〈Trλλ〉 in such theories. A general expression is obtained, 〈Trλλ〉G = ΛG3exp( 2πik T(G)) ≠ O, where ΛG] is the scale parameter, G = SU(N) or O(N), k is an integer number, T(G) is one half of the Dynkin index. For the unitary groups 〈Trλλ〉 has N different values while for the orthogonal groups (N - 2) values.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)445-461
Number of pages17
JournalNuclear Physics, Section B
Issue number2
StatePublished - Jan 11 1988


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