Ocular treatment of thyroid eye disease

Knut Eichhorn, Andrew R. Harrison, Erick D. Bothun, Linda K. McLoon, Michael S. Lee

Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

5 Scopus citations


Thyroid eye disease is an autoimmune disease affecting ocular and orbital tissues. The inflammation may or may not parallel systemic thyroid conditions such as Graves disease. Disease manifestations result from tissue remodeling within the orbit. The abnormal stimulation of immune cells and orbital fibroblasts is probably involved. Our current understanding of the pathophysiology of the disease is limited and few rational therapies have been designed that target the underlying disease process. Treatment strategies vary depending on disease severity and activity. Recent small-scale studies have shown some promise with B-cell-depleting drugs such as rituximab, but this therapy requires further evaluation. The testing of new treatments is hindered by the lack of a reliable animal model of thyroid eye disease.

Original languageEnglish (US)
Pages (from-to)313-325
Number of pages13
JournalExpert Review of Ophthalmology
Issue number3
StatePublished - Jun 2010


  • Autoantibodies
  • B-cell depletion
  • Clinical activity score
  • Dysthyroid optic neuropathy
  • Graves disease
  • Orbital decompression
  • Orbital fibroblasts
  • Rituximab
  • Thyroid eye disease


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